Frabjous Times

7 September 2003

Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Entrance — Glory and Praise to Our God
Responsorial — Psalm 146
Alleluia — Matthew 4:23. Jesus proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom and cured every disease among the people.
Offertory — Be Not Afraid
Communion — Taste and See
Recessional — They'll Know We Are Christians
We were back again after our break. Evidently the thinking was that Labor Day marked the end of summer, for the air conditioning was turned off and I felt a little warm up there in my Sunday clothes. The big advertising campaign in the church bulletin one of our members put on over August unfortunately has not yet resulted in any additional members; in fact, our group is a bit smaller than before, especially in the two male sections — in fact, we did not have a tenor at all. I thought it was pretty difficult, at times, being the only one to carry the baritone part. We're hoping that interest will peak up again before we get close to the holidays, though.
Originally published: 2003/09/07 20:55:50