Frabjous Times

earth_science scifaiku poetry

Riding the storm out

in the hail,
in the black sea swell,
a still calm voice

we fall to our knees, queen of zephyrs
Notre Dame de Bon Secours
“It is still customary for the devout of New Orleans to pray before the statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor whenever a hurricane threatens New Orleans.”
“By the time she was in her early twenties, her name becomes a household word as a master of Voodoo magic. Her clients number among the rich, powerful, state officials and everyday common people. She was always there to help the poor and needy with whatever they could afford to pay her. In her early 30s they proclaimed her as the undisputed queen of Voodoo Magic.”
Last modified: Tue Aug 30 22:54:19 EDT 2005
Inserted queen verse.
Previously published: Tue Aug 30 21:55:52 2005
Previously published: Mon Aug 29 15:11:10 2005