Frabjous Times

technology scifaiku poetry

Between Louisville and Memphis

on the rain-slick highway,
a black car,

a pink Caddy,
flashing her lights

four thousand miles long
rip through New Madrid

800 feet out
the crack of the
diamond bat
“Russian Scientists are reporting today that the rare Earthquake Triplet Events occurring over the last 36 hours in Chile (7.8 Magnitude Event), Alaska (6.9 Magnitude Event) and California (7.2 Magnitude Event), coupled with today’s New Madrid Earthquake (1.6 Magnitude Event), are signaling the breaking apart of the North American Intraplate in the area of the New Madrid Fault Zone.
“How strange it is that these Westerners ignore such dire warnings such as this and instead of preparing themselves they make things like they were before, as if in doing so they will not have to face the consequences of their inactions in the future.”
“Today’s bats are lighter. They have larger barrels and thinner handles.”
Last modified: Mon Oct 10 22:40:22 EDT 2005
Added Caddy verse. Added New Madrid verse. Added slugger verse.
Previously published: Mon Oct 10 21:44:04 2005
Previously published: Wed Oct 5 15:46:38 2005
Previously published: Sun Sep 11 08:10:05 2005
Previously published: Sat Sep 10 12:40:27 2005