Frabjous Times

new_jersey politics government essay

Counted again

I was polled by phone again last night. Unlike my previous experience, this was strictly a local poll focussing on the candidates for the Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders and my name recognition for each one. This quaintly titled organization is a sort of county-wide council to counterbalance the power of the County Executive (they also asked me about the current occupant of that office).
The first question on the poll asked me whether Bergen County was going in the right direction or the wrong direction, just like the Gallup poll asks about the nation as a whole. This was a little odd to me, since I never think of the county as having that much autonomy to move in any direction really, so I wasn't very much invested in the answer I gave. To me the November election is all about the local issues and the associated mayoral contest.
Incidentally, I think the person taking down my responses was Canadian, since at the end to verify my identity, she spelled out my name and said zed for the last letter. Interesting.
Originally published: 2005/10/18 07:59:57
Previously published: Tue Oct 18 07:00:30 2005